If you have a youngster who is on an Education other than at School (EOTAS) package and/or personal budget then we may be able to help. At the heart of OOTB is the desire to support those children for whom traditional education has not worked. In many cases it may even have resulted in trauma. We know that the impact of this is long lasting and affects the whole family unit.
In this situation many families will have heard the word “no” many times or “we can’t meet need”, “too complex”, “doesn’t fit with current cohort”, “its the lack of parenting” or “he is just naughty”. Whilst we don’t profess to have all the answers, many of our staff have been there. We understand that behaviour is a form of communication (and often due to needs not being met) and how overwhelming and isolating this route can feel. We strive to support where we can and signpost to others organisations that may be able to help.
We are on the Hertfordshire County Council Approved Alternative Provision list for the SEN team. We are currently going through the process to be on the Approved Alternative Provider Directory for Cambridgeshire County Council.
In addition to the activities listed on our website we can offer a variety of other things. If you have or are looking at developing an EOTAS package and/or personal budget then please get in touch for an informal chat to explore how we can help.
Email admin@outsideofthebox.uk